Looking for a summer job (Anglų įskaita 2010)

Summer is perfect time of looking for a temporary job. In my point of view, pupils should not get down to every job which is offered. First of all every of us have make a list of interests and strengths, as well as dislikes and the things you need some improvement in, and keep them in mind as you look for a job. For example, if you love books or writing, a job in a bookstore or library might be perfect for you. So every of us has to think about future dreem job and to move under this direction. I think, that every job, even temporary summer job, has to be valuable, beneficial and giving basics for our dreem job. That’s why we can not waste time to casual and useless jobs. On the other hand, it is not easy to find desirable job nowadays, when labour marker is in deep crisis and unemployment rate is more than 10%. However, clever, wily, responsible and intellectual applicants still can find good jod, even labour market is quite comlicated today.